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Why is vaping popular with teens? Vaping statistics & facts 2024

E-cigarettes have been on sale for over 10 years but in recent years there has been a rapid increase in teenagers vaping.

two teens vaping learn about teen vaping and statistics

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When did vaping become popular?

Teenagers are vaping in growing numbers. In fact in 2023, Dr Mike McKean, vice-president of policy for the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health, said vaping was becoming an “epidemic” in the UK among teenagers even though it is illegal before the age of 18.

In UK, 34% of teenagers aged 18 have vaped. New research shows 18% of 11 to 17-year-olds, approximately 980,000 young individuals, reported engaging in vaping this year.

The following graphs show the growth in vaping amongst teenagers:

% of US teenagers who reported any vaping during the last 30 days

2024 graph US teenagers who reported any vaping during last 30 days

Source: University of Michigan Monitoring the Future survey4

% of UK teenagers who reported any vaping during the last 30 days

2024 graph UK teenagers who reported any vaping during the last 30 daysSource: ASH10

Vaping facts for teens

A few quick statistics and facts

  • The nicotine content of one JUUL pod is equivalent to one pack of cigarettes
  • The nicotine content of one ELF bar is equivalent to 48/50 cigarettes or two and a half packs of cigarettes
  • Children and adolescents who vape are more than twice as likely to smoke cigarettes
  • Only 40% of parents were aware that their children vaped against 70% for smoking
  • Vaping poses a risk to lungs – In 2016 nearly 200 e-cigarette users developed severe lung disease in 22 states across USA
  • Vaping often contains nicotine even when the juice is nicotine free – nicotine is highly addictive and affects brain development particularly in young people.
  • In 2023, 12% of US 13-14 year olds had vaped nicotine, in 2016 it was only 3.5%
  • In 2024 18% of UK teens had vaped, in 2013 it was 4.5%

More vaping statistics and facts

What’s holding you back?

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Worried that you’ll be deprived for the rest of your life without vapes?

We know that taking the first step can be difficult, but we’re here to answer your questions in complete confidence – with no pressure and no judgement.

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E-Cigarettes sold illegally to teens

It is illegal to sell vapes to under 18 year olds in the UK and under 21 year olds in the US.

However, although illegal, with access to a credit card it is easy to buy vapes online and it is often easy to buy vapes from stores including illegal vapes.

The dangers of illegal vapes to your health are even higher than for normal vapes because they are unregulated, and the vape juice has higher quantities of dangerous chemicals, cancer causing toxins, heavy metals and volatile organic compounds in the vape juice.

What is in vape liquid?

Nicotine free vapes are not as harmless as you think

Some vaping juices say they are nicotine free but it turns out, a lot of times they actually sneak in some nicotine!

And as you know that stuff is highly addictive. But nicotine is only one of the dangerous chemicals in vape juice!

What is in vape liquid?

Are teens who vape more likely to start smoking cigarettes?

There are a number of studies that show that vaping increases the likelihood of teenagers starting to smoke.

Common sense would have any sensible person conclude that if a youngster is more likely to take up vaping e-cigarettes that contain highly addictive nicotine – they are more likely, at some point in the future, to move on to cigarettes.

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Want to stop, but concerned that you’ll find it tough?

Worried that you’ll be deprived for the rest of your life without vapes?

We can help you to understand and remove those fears and in so doing, make it quitting easy.

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