How to stop your teen from starting to vape (use e-cigarettes)
The single biggest factor appears to be to raise children in a smoke and vape free home.
If the parents smoke or vape it normalises the behaviour in children who, particularly when they are young, look up to parents as their role models.
This increases the likelihood that the child will go on to vape and smoke
Read more about Vaping around kids and is it safe?
When children are young, if a smoke/vape free home is coupled with positive discussions about the issues and downsides of vaping (smoking, drugs etc.) it has been shown to reduce the likelihood that they will start smoking or vaping (read about how to help your teen quit vaping).
Given that they are exposed at younger and younger ages now the earlier you can speak with them the better as the marketing often makes it appear safe and the flavours appealing.
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