Neve Campbell advocates Allen Carr’s Easyway
What’s stopping you?
Not sure if you’re ready to stop smoking? Worried about finding it difficult?
Start the quizAfter a 10-year break , she’s set to return for a fourth round of the comedy horror.
It’s lovely to hear her endorsement of Allen Carr’s Easyway To Stop Smoking method. She describes stopping smoking as her “greatest achievement”.
Speaking in the Irish Mail on Sunday she says “I took up the habit at 14 and smoked 30 a day. Every time I quit I thought about cigarettes constantly. Six years ago, Allen Carr’s stop smoking book finally taught me to understand the chemical reaction that cigarettes triggered. I had to come to terms with the fact that a cigarette is a drug and I was an addict.” She adds “And there’ll be no going back.”
Read more about ‘How to Stop Smoking’