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Every day, many people kindly get in touch with us from all over the world to tell us their story and help encourage others to be free.

We have helped millions of people across the globe, and we have thousands of reviews and endorsements to give you peace of mind that Allen Carr’s Easyway is the right solution for you

Celebrity & Client Videos

Real People, Real Stories

How to quit smoking & vaping – Client testimonials

Smoking and Vaping

World Health Organisation – Selection of unpaid celebrity testimonials

Alcohol, Caffeine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Debt, Drugs, Emotional Eating, Exercise, Flying, Gambling, Mindfulness, Opioids, Sleep, Smoking, Sugar, Technology, Vaping, Weight and Wellbeing at Work

Genelva UK stop smoking seminar testimonial play_circle_outline
Genelva, UK

Smoking and Vaping

Ellen DeGeneres (Comedian, Chat show host & Actor)

Smoking and Vaping


Client Reviews