Prima Magazine report on the Allen Carr’s Easyway Method
I’m finally a non-smoker and it’s not a drag – it feels fantastic! – Deputy Features Editor

Prima Magazine report the following success story in their ‘Mind, Body & Soul’ section –
Deputy Features Editor and smoker Lorraine Conway,28, aimed to kick the habit with Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Smoking workshop.
“…Instead of the feeling that had blighted my previous attempts – that I was giving something up – I felt excited that I was gaining something wonderful by not smoking.
…It’s been a month now and I haven’t touched a cigarette or, perhaps more surprisingly, been tempted to.
..I’m finally a non-smoker and it’s not a drag – it feels fantastic!”
Click on the image to read the full article.
Press play to see a short video about what happens at an Allen Carr’s Easyway To Quit Smoking Center –