Helping the smokers of Bolton

Bolton Council is committed to reducing smoking prevalence to 5% by 2035 and Allen Carr’s Easyway have been appointed to help.

Bolton and allen carrs easyway to stop smoking
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Bolton Council announces that it is offering smokers a new free and effective way to freedom with Allen Carr’s Easyway Method.

Although smoking prevalence is declining nationally and locally, smoking is still the main cause of premature mortality, accountable for 27% of all cancer deaths and a range of long-term health conditions.

This pilot is part of Smokefree Bolton aiming to help more people quit smoking, creating a positive movement for local people and communities to become healthier, happier, and financially better off.

Smokefree Bolton supports local smokers, aged 12 years and over, with free personalised support and nicotine replacement therapies to quit the habit for good.

This pilot is an exciting opportunity to trial an innovative and clinically proven intervention program in Bolton.

“I would urge all smokers in Bolton to book a slot on the program and give it a go.

“I want people to know that it’s never too late to quit and that this free support from our friendly expert teams can really boost your chances of quitting for good
Cllr Jackie Schofield
Bolton Council’s Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing

We are delighted to have been appointed by Bolton Council to help the smokers of Bolton.

We have been helping smokers for over 40 years in the UK and helping an estimated 50 million people worldwide with our clinically proven drug free method.
Allen Carr’s Easyway