Help treating alcohol and other drug addictions using the Allen Carr’s Easyway Method
Allen Carr’s Easyway To Quit Smoking Clinics in London & Birmingham are not only the two original Allen Carr Clinics in the world (we now have more than 150 centres in more than 45 countries ) treating thousands of smokers per year but are also our flagship centres for treating other addictions.

As well as weight issues, cannabis, cocaine, heroin, and prescription drug
issues, they also provide a service for treating alcohol issues.
The alcohol treatment has proven so successful that we are able to apply the same guarantee to the session fee as has been applied to our quit smoking sessions for more than 25 years.
Here are some dates when members of our Senior Facilitator Team will be conducting STOP SMOKING sessions in London , Birmingham, Reading, Staines, Bournemouth, Southampton, Brighton and Maidstone. centres
Specialist members of the Senior Facilitator Team conduct the ‘other’ drugs, weight, and alcohol sessions exclusively at our London & Birmingham Centres.
Please contact to arrange appointments regarding ‘other’ drugs at our London & Birmingham centres.
There are many, many testimonials from people who have escaped from their addiction using Allen Carr’s Easyway method and you can find some which specifically relate to alcohol.
Here is a testimonial received today and if you are wondering whether you should attend an alcohol seminar or not – we hope that this might help you make your decision. It’s typical of the feedback we receive from those who attend –
“I’m 6 months booze free after attending a session in December 2011. It was like a switch had been flicked in my brain where I just didn’t desire alcohol anymore. I felt nervous coming to the session but it was low key and informal.
Six months down the line I don’t spend days thinking about the bottle I’m going to open when I get home and as remarkably – a depression I was only vaguely aware I had – has lifted and I am starting to feel properly happy for the first time in years.
My body and brain have taken time to recover, but the ‘cure’ from Allen Carr’ Easyway was immediate. It’s the best money I have ever, ever spent on anything!
Thank you Allen Carr’s Easyway center. I’m not scared anymore.
RC from London”
Read more on Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Drinking