Allen Carr’s Easyway Back on Top Ten Bestseller’s List (Audible UK)
We are delighted to announce that, Allen Carr’s Easyway books are still making their way onto the Top Ten Bestsellers List – often – years after they were originally published.

This week it was the turn of Allen Carr’s Easyway to Control Alcohol on Audible UK.
Another title hitting the heights is Allen Carr’s Good Sugar, Bad Sugar book which helps readers break free from sugar and carb addiction, lose weight, and live a healthier, happier lifestyle.
Allen Carr’s Easyway method delivers the answer to a host of addictions and issues with other titles covering gambling addiction, debt addiction, fear of flying, and caffeine addiction – with seminars that also treat cannabis, cocaine, and “other drug” addiction.
“Your journey through Allen Carr’s method will be a revelation in discovering how simple the answer to weight control can be.”
-Dr PM Bray MB, CHb, MRCGP
Visit Allen Carr’s Easyway Bookstore
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