Your Future

Life as a happy non-smoker is full of freedom and joy. Here are our tips and advice for the future.

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I was puffing away, 6 months pregnant, and a guy...

Do the Government really want to cure nicotine addiction?

UK tax revenue from tobacco excise and VAT in 2013 was £12.3bn! #QuitSmoking #StopSmoking

At today's prices I'd be spending £15,000 a year on...

Would you spend £15,000 a year on cigarettes? Smoking rates in the UK are at an all-time low.

I Went from Chain-Smoker to Stop Smoking Therapist

I went from being a chain-smoker to a stop smoking therapist with Allen Carr's Easyway. I now help members of the public and many corporate clients with our workplace seminars.

I can see clearly now the ‘smoke’ is gone...

Francesca Cesati quit smoking with Allen Carr's Easyway and has gone on to help millions of smokers follow her to freedom.

I couldn’t believe it when I found it so easy...

I smoked more than 40 cigarettes a day and now I help the smokers of Lithuania quit smoking with Allen Carr's Easyway.

I smoked 20-30 cigarettes a day. And more than 2...

My life as a smoker was miserable. My entire day...

Michelle Binford in Guatemala went from being a smoker to a happy non-smoker using Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking. Now she helps the smokers of Guatemala quit smoking with...

I started smoking while working part-time for a tobacco company...

My Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking Story - CEO...

I went overnight from a hundred cigarettes a day to zero – without any bad temper or sense of loss, void or depression

$130,000 Spent On Cigarettes Over 30 Years But Now I'm...

Patrick has a great attitude and doesn’t care so much about the lost cash, he’s just happy to be free after attending an Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking Seminar....

I honestly thought I loved it. It was like my...

After years of failed attempts to stop smoking I finally succeeded. Now I help other smokers to freedom using the same method that I did. It's called Allen Carr's Easyway...