In the News

What’s new in the world of Allen Carr’s Easyway and vaping

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US Surgeon General Warns "E-cigarettes Pose Major Risks"

The U.S. Surgeon General called surging e-cigarette use by children and young adults “a major public health concern” and recommended increased regulation and taxation of the products in a report...

My life as a smoker was miserable. My entire day...

Michelle Binford in Guatemala went from being a smoker to a happy non-smoker using Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking. Now she helps the smokers of Guatemala quit smoking with...

I smoked 20-30 cigarettes a day. And more than 2...

10th Anniversary of Allen Carr's Death

Far from losing momentum following his death, the organisation that survives Allen Carr has gone from strength to strength, driven by his loyal team of close friends, family, and colleagues.

BBC RADIO 4: Allen Carr – the man who wanted...

In recent news, BBC Radio 4 has created a documentary on Allen Carr to discuss his vision of wanting to cure the world of smoking.

BBC Radio Documentary About Allen Carr

Presenter John Waite was given "Access All Areas" permission to tour the Worldwide HQ of Allen Carr's Easyway organisation in London, England, interviewing Allen Carr's wife, Joyce Carr, Robin Hayley...

I couldn’t believe it when I found it so easy...

I smoked more than 40 cigarettes a day and now I help the smokers of Lithuania quit smoking with Allen Carr's Easyway.

Employers are becoming increasingly confused over smokers' (and vapers') rights!

It's become part of the scenery, smokers huddled outside, in all weathers, puffing away like troopers. I was one of the worse cases you can imagine! I ended up smoking...

I can see clearly now the ‘smoke’ is gone...

Francesca Cesati quit smoking with Allen Carr's Easyway and has gone on to help millions of smokers follow her to freedom.

I Went from Chain-Smoker to Stop Smoking Therapist

I went from being a chain-smoker to a stop smoking therapist with Allen Carr's Easyway. I now help members of the public and many corporate clients with our workplace seminars.

Irish Daily Mirror Features “Top Tips” From Allen Carr's Easyway

It’s always fabulous to see Allen Carr’s Easyway mentioned in local or national media. Today, in a story highlighting the hike in cigarette prices in Ireland, The Irish Daily Mirror...

Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking Recommended in The Mirror...

Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking Recommended in The Mirror Newspaper