
Learn how different aspects of your physical and mental health can be affected by vaping and improved by quitting

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Teen vaper hospitalised as lung bursts

Vaping since she was 15 – she thought it was harmless. Read more about Kyla's story of being hospitalised.

New report reveals 28% of music videos contained tobacco imagery...

Discover how tobacco imagery in popular music videos can influence youth smoking and vaping behaviours

The toxicity of vaping flavours - new research

New research highlights the toxicity of vaping “juices” regardless of whether they contain nicotine or not.

How to talk to your teen about vaping risks and...

The teenage years are often a difficult and confusing time for young people and they want to experiment and kick back against being told what to do, so stay calm.

Know the harmful impacts of vaping on the body

Vaping isn't safe, far from it. For smokers it’s believed to be less harmful than cigarettes, but for smokers and non-smokers alike it’s still incredibly harmful.

Vaping leads to smoking in children and adolescents

Findings from 12 systematic reviews by the Institute of Public Health in Northern Ireland shows a significant link between vaping leading to smoking.

Smoking and vaping making an on-screen comeback

From Oscar-winning movies to top streaming shows and popular music videos, Big Tobacco and Big Vape shamelessly exert their influence.

One hour of social media a day doubles a child’s...

New research shows that daily use of social media by young people significantly increases the chances of them becoming smokers or vapers.

Why are youngsters still taking up smoking?

It’s estimated that in the UK about 350 young people a day take up smoking

Schoolkids are victims of vape spiking, police warn

Vape detection in schools is made difficult by vape devices that look like highlighters or ballpoint pens

Quit vaping if you want to get pregnant

A recent study found clear evidence that vaping may damage fertility

Does smoking relieve stress?

Most smokers & ex-smokers believe that smoking helps relieve stress & anxiety. Is that true? Read our advice & watch our support video to answer your questions.