Vaping Facts

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Vape products must not be sold as medicines - Daily...

John Dicey, Global CEO of Allen Carr’s Easyway stop smoking talks to Sunday Telegraph about the growing number of helping looking to quit vaping and the number under 16 years...

Do you use hypnotherapy in the seminars?

At the end of the seminar there is a short period of hypnotherapy / light relaxation designed to reinforce what you have learned during the main part of the seminar...

E-cigarette users 'seeking help in increasing numbers to quit vaping'...

The Evening Standard interview with Allen Carr’s Easyway: E-cigarette users are seeking help in increasing numbers to quit vaping, according to London’s biggest stop-smoking clinic Allen Carr’s Easyway. The number...

Do these 5 things to add more than a decade...

Great advice (including using Allen Carr's Easyway method) on how to add more than a decade to your life. quit smoking, quit drinking, be addiction free.

Are pro-vaping messages making it harder to quit?

Has anyone stopped to consider the impact on e-cigarette addicts and smokers who want to quit?

The one habit that will more than DOUBLE your life...

Yahoo Finance article informing that Allen Carr's Easyway is available for free on some insurance policies.

The E-­cigarette War

The presentation that BIG TOBACCO, BIG PHARMA, the anti tobacco & tobacco control establishment DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE!!

Shocking new e­cigarette study! The e-­cigarette time bomb…

84% (eighty four per cent) of UK e­cigarette users still smoke!

Should I read Allen Carr’s Easyway book or attend a...

This is a question I am often asked and it appears to confuse many a person. It is not surprising.

Smoker/Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Smoker/Nicotine Replacement Therapies