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What’s new in the world of Allen Carr’s Easyway and technology addiction

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New clinical trial PROVES Allen Carr's Easyway are at least...

Two Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT) show Allen Carr's Easyway is now a clinically proven, highly effective drug-free alternative to nicotine patches, gum, and e-cigarettes and the study should pave the...

RCT information presented to 7th European Conference Tobacco or Health...

The results of the Irish RCT on Allen Carr's Easyway was presented to 7th European conference Tobacco or Health (ECTOH)

Goody Two Shoes - Don't drink - don't smoke -...


Allen Carr’s Easyway is delighted to announce the launch of stop smoking clinics as a franchise offering in the USA for the first time.

Irish Study Into Most Effective Way To Quit Smoking

Allen Carr’s Easyway is taking part in a clinical trial in Dublin, Ireland to asses our overall success rate in comparison to Irish Health authorities.

UK breeding a generation of teenage addicts says new study

The explosion of social media, selfies and mobile devices is priming a generation of UK teenagers for a lifelong struggle with addiction, according to research released today.

Help treating alcohol and other drug addictions using the Allen...

Allen Carr’s Easyway To Stop Smoking Clinics in London & Birmingham are not only the two original Allen Carr Clinics in the world (we now have more than 150 centres...

The issue of copyright theft

Allen Carr's Easyway Clinics Feature in BBC's REAL STORY

ASH Apologises For Unfounded Comments

Today Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), the public health charity has apologised to Allen Carr’s Easyway Organisation for unfounded comments made by its Director in November 2006.

A Message to Friends by Allen Carr

I have been deeply touched by the numerous and encouraging messages of loyalty and support that I have received from you following the announcement of my having contracted lung cancer.

Allen Carr's Easyway talks with LiR Confidential

John Dicey, Global CEO & Senior Therapist, Allen Carr’s Easyway talks to the great Pat Barry on Ireland’s ‘LíR Confidential’ programme across a wide-ranging list of topics & questions.