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What’s new in the world of Allen Carr’s Easyway and smoking cessation

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Great American Smokeout: a day (not) to quit smoking.

Screw that! On national quit smoking days I’d have smoked twice as many cigarettes as normal (if I hadn't already been a chain-smoker).

I Quit Smoking Due to Vanity Rather Than Health Fears

I wish, WISH I could tell you I was driven to quit out of the pressing fears of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, early death, diabetes and blood clots, but...

Stop Smoking radio interview in Australia

Radio interview in Australia by one of our one of our ‘Top Gun’ Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking Therapists

Thumbs-Up For Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking

Special recognition for the 30th Anniversary Edition which includes a new foreword covering e-cigarettes and other nicotine products

It looks at every perceived advantage of smoking and obliterates...

What really causes people who are quitting to 'jones' for a cigarette? Instead of blathering on about how bad smoking is for you, he goes over every perceived advantage that...

Ade celebrates one year smoke free

Ade Fleet had been smoking for half his life before he quit. Suffering with panic attacks and mild depression, Ade (41) was worried that reaching for a cigarette was actually...

I Don’t do Self-help Books! Three Days Later I Quit

What happened was a surprise re-wiring of my brain. In spite of my scepticism - three days later I quit smoking!

It's Boring and Repetitive and it Really Works

Jessie Gaynor, writing on BuzzFeed delivers high praise (albeit irreverently) for Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking method.

Allen Carr's Easyway Wisconsin, USA

What makes Allen Carr's Easyway such a great fit for...

John Dicey, Worldwide Managing Director & Senior Therapist, Allen Carr's Easyway says "It was lovely to stumble across this interview I did about one of Allen's long-lost gems.

Allen Carr's Easyway Back on Top Ten Bestseller's List (Audible...

We are delighted to announce that, Allen Carr's Easyway books are still making their way onto the Top Ten Bestsellers List - often - years after they were originally published.

Irish Sunday Times: Allen Carr's Easyway Beats Health Service in...

"Irish Govt study proves Allen Carr's Easyway is more effective than conventional methods."