
Discover the latest facts and information about Smoking

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The E-­cigarette War

The presentation that BIG TOBACCO, BIG PHARMA, the anti tobacco & tobacco control establishment DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE!!

Shocking new e­cigarette study! The e-­cigarette time bomb…

84% (eighty four per cent) of UK e­cigarette users still smoke!

Should I read Allen Carr’s Easyway book or attend a...

This is a question I am often asked and it appears to confuse many a person. It is not surprising.

You've got to be kidding me?

In a recent trading standards exercise in Cumbria, UK, just under 10% of shops tested sold a child cigarettes. However, Trading Standards claim to be “pleased the majority of off-licenses...

WHO research reports increase in female smoking rates worldwide

Smoker/Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Smoker/Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Does vaping to quit smoking work?

If you’re a smoker you might wonder does vaping help you quit smoking? or does vaping stop you smoking? Allen Carr’s Easyway supports anything that genuinely helps people escape the...

Smoking industry: stats, facts & side effects for 2025

Learn all you need to know about smoking in our comprehensive guide. Discover the latest facts, statistics, and potential side effects.
Woman experiencing the beneficial effects of stopping smoking.

The effects of quitting smoking: Short & long-term benefits

This article focuses on the various effects of quitting smoking on health, including the short-term and long-term benefits of quitting, as well as the potential health problems that may arise...

Quit smoking motivation – stay motivated while quitting

Find the motivation to quit smoking for good. Our tips and tricks will help you stay focused and on track. Get inspired to live a smoke-free life.

How to quit smoking cold turkey: Pros, cons and tips

Learn how to quit smoking cold turkey with expert tips from Allen Carr. Discover the pros and cons of this method for a successful and healthier lifestyle.

Risks & effects of smoking while pregnant

Learn about the serious risks of smoking while pregnant and its harmful effects on your baby's health. Protect your familys future with our essential guide.