
For over 40 years we have been helping people overcome their addiction to cigarettes and enjoy freedom from smoking. Explore our advice on multiple topics here

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Why do you gain weight when you stop smoking?

Learn more about weight gain after quitting smoking thanks to our guide. Discover the main reasons and understand why you are gaining weight. Keep reading.

Help! Allen Carr’s book didn’t work for me!

This is quite a long, rambling read, but if you’ve failed to stop smoking with Allen Carr’s Easyway, please do read this. I’m sure that you’ll find it useful (&...
Woman experiencing the beneficial effects of stopping smoking.

The effects of quitting smoking: Short & long-term benefits

This article focuses on the various effects of quitting smoking on health, including the short-term and long-term benefits of quitting, as well as the potential health problems that may arise...

Have you hit menopause rock bottom?

Can changing the food you eat & quitting smoking help reduce hot flushes?

I smoked my last cigarette last night. I primarily smoked...

I smoked my last cigarette last night. I primarily smoked out of boredom — what can I do when I’m bored?

I’m a smoker and have just been diagnosed with pulmonary...

I’m from Chile and I am reading the book, Allen Carr’s Easyway to Quit Smoking. My diagnosis is a shock and I need to get better because my 3 year...

Why do I always go back to smoking when I...

I managed to keep it to that for a while (just smoking while drinking) but I’ve caved in this morning and am back to smoking properly. I’m afraid that I...

How do I quit smoking if my partner won’t quit...

Will it be harder to quit smoking if my partner smokes? I don’t want to be sucked back into smoking because I live with a smoker.

Why does fear of quitting success cause me a problem?

Allen Carr has talked about fear of failure and fear of success — but what is fear of success and how does it cause a problem?

Quitting smoking on holidays

People often dismiss an attempt to quit smoking until after their holiday. Just the prospect of having to suffer without cigarettes by attempting to give up smoking while on their annual vacation...

8 Key tips on how to quit smoking without gaining...

Learn how to quit smoking without gaining weight thanks to our professional advice. Watch our support video on how to avoid weight gain after you stop smoking.

I've quit smoking but now I'm experiencing doubts

So perhaps you are experiencing doubts after stopping smoking. Our support video is designed to answer your questions