
For over 40 years we have been helping people overcome their addiction to cigarettes and enjoy freedom from smoking. Explore our advice on multiple topics here

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84 items

Smoking & tiredness: Why smoking & nicotine makes you tired

Find out if quitting smoking has a direct impact on your energy levels. Learn how nicotine affects your body and what to expect during the cessation process.

Smoking & sex - Benefits of quitting for sex drive

Discover how quitting smoking can improve your sex drive. Learn about the benefits & effects of quitting smoking on sexual health. Find out more here.

Why is quitting smoking so hard?

What should you do if you are having a very stressful day and you are thinking about cigarettes or vaping? Our support video is designed to answer your questions

Only 3% Succeed

What should you do if you are having a very stressful day and you are thinking about cigarettes or vaping? Our support video is designed to answer your questions

The secrets of the tobacco companies

What should you do if you are having a very stressful day and you are thinking about cigarettes or vaping? Our support video is designed to answer your questions

Review written by a former smoker

What should you do if you are having a very stressful day and you are thinking about cigarettes or vaping? Our support video is designed to answer your questions

Nicotine replacement therapy: are nicotine replacements practical?

People often think that there are easy ways to stop smoking. They rely on nicotine replacements such as patches, gum, vaporizers, and e-cigarettes, which are considered a common method as...

I have read the book yet at some point I...

The good news is that the method did work for you. The bad news is that at some point you got overconfident. The seminar will set you free – and more...

What is the difference between your stop smoking and stop...

The simple answer is that there is no difference. Understanding why you continue to use nicotine in spite of the obvious disadvantages is key to becoming free.

Which programme is best for me; an on-demand programme, a...

The seminars are by far the most effective way of accessing Allen Carr’s Easyway method – hence we are able to offer the unique money back guarantee.
Quitting Smoking & Depression

Quitting smoking & depression

Many people suffer with depression after quitting smoking but if you go about quitting in the right way – you can not only avoid depression but be incredibly happy.
Coughing after quitting smoking

Coughing after quitting smoking

It can be infuriating to find yourself still coughing after quitting cigarettes. Worse than that, developing a smokers cough after quitting, just seems wrong.