
For over 40 years we have been helping people overcome their addiction to cigarettes and enjoy freedom from smoking. Explore our advice on multiple topics here

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What happens to your skin when you quit smoking?

Learn about the effects of quitting smoking on your skin and face. Discover the positive changes and benefits of kicking this unhealthy habit today.

How to stop smoking – from Allen Carr’s Easyway to...

Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking Live Seminars, Online Video Programme, and books were mentioned in The Sun's coverage of the UK's National No Smoking Day

5 tips for quitting cigarettes by AIA Vitality based on...

Thinking about quitting smoking? It’s one of the best choices you can make. Read 5 tips to quitting from AIA Vitality and Allen Carr's Easyway

Do you use hypnotherapy in the seminars?

At the end of the seminar there is a short period of hypnotherapy / light relaxation designed to reinforce what you have learned during the main part of the seminar...

I am a strong-willed person in all other areas of...

I quit smoking but I'm thinking of vaping - should...

If you want to respect and cherish that freedom then please never, ever vape - not even 0% nicotine vape. Firstly - 0% is NEVER guaranteed and nicotine is often...

Allen Carr's Easyway highlights vaping as the new health 'time...

Research on behalf of Allen Carr’s Easyway indicates: 26% of 18-21 old's vaped before they were 16 & 61% that do vape , did so before they were 18. Furthermore,...

ASH Wales & Allen Carr's Easyway Organisation

Allen Carr's Easyway & ASH Wales Working together during the Covid-19 crisis to help smokers in Wales quit ONLINE with Allen Carr's clinically proven method. From Live Online Group Seminars...

Ash Wales & Allen Carr's Easyway Pt. 2

John Dicey, Global CEO & Senior Therapist, of Allen Carr’s Easyway answers some questions asked by smokers to Ash Wales to help them during the Covid-19 outbreak. Allen Carr's Easyway...

What happens during a seminar?

The seminar lasts around five hours, during which the therapist will help you to understand exactly what you do and why you do it. You may be surprised by much of what...

Does Stopping Smoking Really Take Willpower? Absolutely Not!

This article is designed to help smokers make this the year when they finally start to understand the real reason why so many smokers who make an attempt to quit...

Children as young as 14 are becoming addicted to e-cigarettes...

Children as young as 14 are becoming addicted to e-Cigarettes, the head of Allen Carr’s Easyway Britain’s biggest addiction clinic has said.There has been a steep rise in the past year...