
Whether you need a little more encouragement, or are looking for some advice with how to stop smoking, we have a range of articles (and videos) to help you on your path to freedom and beyond. Read a featured article or select a topic to view more.

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Does vaping to quit smoking work?

If you’re a smoker you might wonder does vaping help you quit smoking? or does vaping stop you smoking? Allen Carr’s Easyway supports anything that genuinely helps people escape the...

Allen Carr’s Easyway – 3 days 3 double-page spreads in...

Three days and three double-page spreads in the UK’s Daily Mirror, Daily Express and Daily Herald.

Non-Smokers Oppose Government Policy to Offer Free E-Cigs

Allen Carr’s Easyway, the world-leading smoking-cessation method for the past 30 years, has polled 1,000 non-smokers throughout the UK, to gauge their opinions on the new policy.


Allen Carr’s Easyway is delighted to announce the launch of stop smoking clinics as a franchise offering in the USA for the first time.

National No Smoking Day (11th March) - Surprising Upsides To...

Irish Health Department Funds Research Into Allen Carr's Easyway To...

The Sunday Times breaks the news that Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking Clinics are to be evaluated by The Irish Health Department.

E-cigarette Users Discover An Easier Way To Stop Smoking!

Interview with a VAPER! An e-cigarette user case study!

Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking's London & Surrey Clinic...

The E-cigarette War

The presentation that BIG TOBACCO, BIG PHARMA, the anti-tobacco & tobacco control establishment DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE!!

New Two Minute Movie Explains How Allen Carr's Easyway To...

Sir Richard Branson praises Allen Carr’s Easyway again and PruHealth...

UK Announcement: Allen Carr’s Easyway To Stop Smoking Clinics extend...

Users can carry on smoking OR using e-cigarettes while they quit