
For over 40 years we have been helping people overcome their fear of flying. Explore our advice on multiple topics here

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Fear Of Flying - Is There A Cure?

Fear of flying is a terrifying & debilitating condition. Finally you can be helped to fly. #FearOfFlying #BeAddictionFree #AllenCarr

Long haul flight tips: a survival guide to flying SAGA

Tips from SAGA for long haul flying, including using Allen Carr’s Easyway to Enjoy Flying book and Online Video Programme

Do you want to get over your fear of flying?...

How to overcome your fear and enjoy flying. Lovely mention in Hello Magazine of Allen Carr's Easyway online on-demand video and book

Afraid of flying? Great article on Allen Carr in iNews

Many of us get nervous when it’s time to get on a plane but Allen Carr's Easyway can help you to overcome your fear of flying.

Too Scared to Fly? You’re Not Alone

There is a lovely mention for Allen Carr’s Easyway to Enjoy Flying in an engaging piece by Conor Pope writing in The Irish Times.

Travel Advice – fear of flying

Fear of flying

Why do I suddenly have a fear of flying?

Having flown happily for years without experiencing any sense of fear – what causes sudden fear of flying?

How to survive long flights with anxiety

If flying makes you feel extremely anxious, can you really transform it into something you genuinely enjoy?
How to cope with flying anxiety

Anxious flyer? 10 tips on how to cope with flying...

With cognitive restructuring, you can start to enjoy, rather than fear air travel

How to deal with & overcome turbulence anxiety

Have you ever wondered how to get over fear of turbulence? Read more to find out how.