
Learn how different aspects of your physical and mental health can be affected by drugs and improved by quitting

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“Not so” Legal Highs: Spice, Mamba, K2 and many more

The situation regarding ‘legal highs’ has not been resolved by their criminalisation. They are cheap and marketed as if they are harmless recreational drugs. #QuitDrugs #DrugAddiction
Opioid pills and tables. Opioid addiction Signs symptoms of opioid abuse

Opioid addiction: Signs & symptoms of opioid abuse

Opioid addiction has become a global epidemic. This article explores the critical facts about opioid addiction and how to overcome it.
Ketamine was originally developed as an anaesthetic but read more to understand what it is and the risks.

Long-term & short-term side effects of Ketamine

Ketamine was originally developed as an anaesthetic but read more to understand what it is and the risks.
A young woman with nice nails offers ecstasy on a disco.

What is Ecstasy/MDMA?

MDMA, Molly or ecstasy is often seen as a relatively safe drug but read more to understand what it is and the risks.
How to Spot and Help a Cocaine Addict

How to Spot and Help a Cocaine Addict

Knowing that someone has an issue with it means that person can get help with cocaine addiction.
Understanding the link between cocaine and ADHD

Understanding the link between cocaine and ADHD

Cocaine and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are two significant topics in the realm of mental health and substance use disorders.
cocaine withdrawal symptoms

Cocaine Withdrawal: Timeline & Symptoms

Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that can cause a significant sense of physical and psychological dependence.
How to Tell if Someone Is on Cocaine

How to Tell if Someone Is on Cocaine

Cocaine is a powerful and illegal stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Due to its highly addictive nature, identifying signs of use can be crucial for early intervention and...
Does cocaine cause anxiety?

Does cocaine cause anxiety?

Cocaine, a powerful stimulant, is associated with short-term euphoric effects. However, it is also associated with various mental health issues, including anxiety.

I am a strong-willed person in all other areas of...

It is a common misconception that it takes willpower to quit drugs, and that belief alone can make it difficult to quit.

I’m under a lot of stress at the moment, should...

Many believe that taking drugs relieves stress and so in such situations it makes it difficult to quit but the reality is that it is actually a stress creator.

Cocaine addiction: signs & symptoms of cocaine use

Understanding the effects of cocaine on the body and mind is crucial in comprehending the risks associated with cocaine use and addiction.