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I’m under a lot of stress at the moment, should...

Many believe that taking drugs relieves stress and so in such situations it makes it difficult to quit but the reality is that it is actually a stress creator.

Allen Carr's Easyway Clinics Feature in BBC's REAL STORY

The issue of copyright theft

Should I read Allen Carr’s Easyway book or attend a...

This is a question I am often asked and it appears to confuse many a person. It is not surprising.

Help treating alcohol and other drug addictions using the Allen...

Allen Carr’s Easyway To Stop Smoking Clinics in London & Birmingham are not only the two original Allen Carr Clinics in the world (we now have more than 150 centres...

Sir Richard Branson praises Allen Carr’s Easyway again and PruHealth...

Irish Study Into Most Effective Way To Quit Smoking

Allen Carr’s Easyway is taking part in a clinical trial in Dublin, Ireland to asses our overall success rate in comparison to Irish Health authorities.


Allen Carr’s Easyway is delighted to announce the launch of stop smoking clinics as a franchise offering in the USA for the first time.

Which programme is best for me; an on-demand programme, a...

The seminars are by far the most effective way of accessing Allen Carr’s Easyway method – hence we are able to offer the unique money back guarantee.

I am a strong-willed person in all other areas of...

It is a common misconception that it takes willpower to quit drugs, and that belief alone can make it difficult to quit.

ASH Apologises For Unfounded Comments

Today Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), the public health charity has apologised to Allen Carr’s Easyway Organisation for unfounded comments made by its Director in November 2006.

Goody Two Shoes - Don't drink - don't smoke -...