In the News

What’s new in the world of Allen Carr’s Easyway and alcohol cessation

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10th Anniversary of Allen Carr's Death

Far from losing momentum following his death, the organisation that survives Allen Carr has gone from strength to strength, driven by his loyal team of close friends, family, and colleagues.

BBC RADIO 4: Allen Carr – the man who wanted...

In recent news, BBC Radio 4 has created a documentary on Allen Carr to discuss his vision of wanting to cure the world of smoking.

BBC Radio Documentary About Allen Carr

Presenter John Waite was given "Access All Areas" permission to tour the Worldwide HQ of Allen Carr's Easyway organisation in London, England, interviewing Allen Carr's wife, Joyce Carr, Robin Hayley...

I was deeply mired in alcohol and drug addiction at...

How I stopped smoking and escaped from illegal drug addiction and went on to help people to get free by using Allen Carr's Easyway method.

5 Books About Addictions And What We Can Learn From...

Great mention in today’s Women Daily for Allen Carr’s Easyway to stop drinking. Shares wonderful and intellectual insights about how you can free yourself from alcoholic consumption.

Freedom From Alcohol

Alternative to AA. A chat with an Allen Carr Alcohol Therapist. I quit drinking! #QuitAlcohol #StopDrinking #BeAddictionFree #AllenCarr

Is there really an easy way to control drinking?

We don’t focus on the reasons you shouldn’t drink – you know all about those already – instead we look at the reasons you do drink. #QuitAlcohol #StopDrinking

Britain votes to leave EU

It's a beautiful, exciting, and wonderful world.

I have waited a year to write this. I attended...

RCT information presented to 7th European Conference Tobacco or Health...

The results of the Irish RCT on Allen Carr's Easyway was presented to 7th European conference Tobacco or Health (ECTOH)

Goody Two Shoes - Don't drink - don't smoke -...


Allen Carr’s Easyway is delighted to announce the launch of stop smoking clinics as a franchise offering in the USA for the first time.