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Resources for schools

A page for school administrators, counsellors, and educators.

Vaping client rating 4.9 | 808 reviews

Vaping is a serious problem in schools and getting worse – with more and more young people vaping than ever before.

They often mistakenly believe that it is safe to do so without understanding the serious impact vaping can have on their physical and mental health.

The marketing of vaping products is often aimed at young people, just like smoking in the last century, with sleek designs, cartoon characters on them and the flavours available.
As you know, social media is full of vape marketing and advertising/product placement via influencers.

The aim of this page is to give you all the information you need to educate yourself as well as connect with youth and teens about vaping.

6 ways to stop vaping in schools

Check out our curated list of the best ways to help reduce vaping in the school environment & help support your students.

6 tips to stop vaping in schools play_circle_outline

Teen vaping statistics & facts

E-cigarettes have been on sale for over 10 years but in recent years there has been a rapid increase in adolescents vaping.

two teens vaping learn about teen vaping and statistics

What are teens vaping?

Part of the reason for the growth in teen vaping is that vaping liquid, known as vaping juice comes in many flavours.

The most popular flavours for adolescents & young adults is different in UK & US.

Other reasons for the surge in teen vaping is the lack of regulation (unforgivable given nicotine is a highly addictive drug) and because the vape industry have mercilessly targeted youngsters in their marketing and advertising (and been allowed to do so for over 10 years).

vaping devices

Why do teens vape (use e-cigarettes)?

The reason many US adolescents start vaping is because of the flavours of which there are now an estimated 16,000 available.

Many US teens also report that due to the widespread advertising they are curious about the products and want to try them.

Vapes lost mary

Should teens vape? What you need to know.

E-cigarettes are illegal to be sold to under 18s but they can be ordered online so for a youngster with access to your credit card they are readily available as are the vaping liquids or juices.

Sadly, there are many retail outlets that sell to teens in spite of the law and a thriving black market amongst teens in classrooms across the country.

teen vaping

Vaping devices – easy to hide

Vaping devices are easy to hide and for parents and teachers it can be difficult to spot.

students hiding vaping devices in plain site play_circle_outline

What are the side effects of vaping?

Vaping is probably safer than smoking but it isn’t safe.

Read about the physical and mental health issues it can cause as well as what is in vape juice.

What is in vaping juice?

Vaping liquid / juice contains around 80 different chemicals.

Not one of the four main ingredients in vapes (propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, nicotine and any number of different flavourings) are designed to be breathed into your lungs.

Vapes lost mary

Nicotine free vapes are safe?

Some vaping juices say they are nicotine free but it turns out, a lot of times they actually sneak in some nicotine!

And that stuff is super addictive.

But nicotine is only one of the nasty chemicals that are in vape juice.

vape flavours

How to talk to teens about vaping and help them to quit vaping

Read some simple tips to help your teen to quit but the best way is to use Allen Carr’s Easyway for teens to quit vaping

teen vaping

A few client videos

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Justyna, US


Emma, US


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Rebeliza, Ireland


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Lex Wright 2, US




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  25. Guardian Newspaper https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/mar/18/uk-health-expert-raises-alarm-at-epidemic-of-vaping-among-teenagers
  26. Elf bar nicotine levels Dr. Onkar Mudhar https://vaping360.com/learn/how-much-nicotine-is-in-a-elf-bar/#:~:text=Nicotine%20in%20a%20cigarette%20compared%20to%20Elf%20Bars,-A%20recent%20Tiktok&text=Dr.,equivalent%2020%20milligrams%20of%20nicotine.%E2%80%9D
  27. United states most popular vape flavor teenagers – Statista 2022
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