How to quit smoking weed – Stop smoking weed guide & tips
Learn how to quit smoking weed for good with our comprehensive stop smoking weed guide. Our expert tips will help you finally break the cycle.

Top tips to help you quit smoking weed
You’ve been drawn to this page for a reason – to find help to stop smoking cannabis and the steps below will help you on your journey to getting free of marijuana.
However, to become truly free you need more than some tips – you need a method that is beautifully simple to unlock the tips and escape the addiction. That method is Allen Carr’s Easyway.
Before the top tips a few celebrities who have freed themselves from addiction with Allen Carr’s Easyway.
As long as you use a drug-free method that also ensures that you understand the psychological aspects of drug addiction – these tips will help you.
So please read our world-famous tips but you must remember that drug addiction is like being trapped in a maze.
The tips/instructions help but without the right method/map you may never find your way to freedom so please read on after the tips to understand the best method to stop smoking weed.
1. Stop mixing weed and tobacco
In the UK & mainland Europe, it is extremely common for cannabis/marijuana users to mix their drug with tobacco however, in other parts of the world, this is not the case.
Whether you just want to stop smoking cigarettes or want to stop using cannabis/marijuana as well – if you mix cannabis/marijuana with tobacco, ‘first base’ is to stop doing so.
2. Use both but separately
Not mixing weed and tobacco doesn’t mean that you should smoke a neat joint in one hand and a cigarette in the other!
You should decide which you want to smoke. If you end up having one immediately after the other – no problem – the important thing is not to mix them together.
Separate the two a few weeks before you attempt to stop. If you want a cigarette during that period – do so – without making any attempt to cut down or control your smoking.
If you want to smoke a joint during that period – do so – but ensure that you smoke it neat (you can use a pipe, a bowl, or hot-knife it – just be sure to never mix it with tobacco).
3. Nicotine addiction
It often comes as a surprise to users of weed – marijuana – cannabis that one of the main reasons for their heavy use can often be their addiction to nicotine.
Over the past thirty years or so we’ve noticed more and more smokers that visit our stop smoking centres actually started smoking at quite a mature age (in their 20s and 30s rather than in their teenage years).
In most cases the way they become trapped / addicted to nicotine was through smoking joints mixed with tobacco.
It never occurs to them that they are smokers until they find themselves smoking normal cigarettes in situations where joints are not available.
Finally the penny drops and they realise that they need help to quit smoking.
Nicotine is highly addictive in fact it is more addictive than cocaine.
4. Cannabis Addiction
Addiction to nicotine can drive consumption of both nicotine and cannabis.
Importantly, a person can be addicted to both nicotine and weed – marijuana – cannabis.
However, their consumption of weed – marijuana – cannabis is further amplified by their addiction to nicotine.
5. Set the date and choose one to quit first
Having separated the use of nicotine and the use of weed, which drug should the person who wants to rid themselves of both quit first?
We strongly recommend that you quit nicotine first but with the right method many people find that they are able to be set free from both simultaneously.
Enjoy Freedom
Live a drug-free life and be on your guard not to fall back into the trap.
If your brain ever starts playing tricks on you by thinking “Just one smoke won’t hurt”, remember there is no such thing as “one”.
The question you need to ask yourself is not “ Shall I have smoke now” but “Do I want to become a smoker again and never be allowed to stop?”.
The answer is “No”. Why not?
“Because I didn’t like being a smoker that is why I became free”.
That way those moments become pleasurable as you congratulate yourself that you’re free.
But to get truly free you need to use a method that is proven to be successful and that is Allen Carr’s Easyway method.
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