How to stop smoking – 10 tips to quit smoking
Discover our top 10 tips to stop smoking for good and understand the different methods for smoking cessation, how they work and the differences between them.

What’s stopping you?
Not sure if you’re ready to stop smoking? Worried about finding it difficult?
Start quiz- 10 Best tips to help you quit smoking
- What are the most effective ways to quit smoking cigarettes?
- Understanding nicotine addiction & preparing to quit
- Strategies for avoiding relapse & cravings
- Weight gain after quitting smoking
- Are there any natural remedies or alternative methods that can help?
- The best method to stop smoking
- What’s holding you back? Take the quiz
- Free videos and articles
- More useful stop smoking articles & news
10 tips to stop smoking
So you’re a smoker and you wish you weren’t. Join the club!
In fact, every smoker in the world is a fully paid-up member.
More than 70% of smokers say they wish they could be non-smokers; the rest just don’t admit it.
You have admitted it, which is great news and you now need to evaluate why you should stop, find solutions to stop smoking and which method to choose to help you.
Before the top tips a few celebrities who have stopped with Allen Carr’s Easyway method.
As long as you use a drug-free method that also ensures that you understand the psychological aspects of nicotine addiction – these tips will help you.
So please read our world-famous tips but you must remember that smoking is like being trapped in a maze.
The tips help but without the right method or map you may never find your way to freedom so please read on after the tips to understand the different methods to stop smoking.
1. Set your quit date to stop smoking.
You’re going to stop naturally so carry on smoking as usual until then.
Set your date and time to stop and carry on smoking as usual right up to that time – don’t try to cut down beforehand, that just makes cigarettes seem more precious rather than less so.
2. Look forward.
Remember – you’re not giving up anything because cigarettes do absolutely nothing for you at all. They provide you with no genuine pleasure or crutch, they simply keep you addicted – a slave to nicotine.
Get it clearly into your mind: you are losing nothing and you are making marvellous positive gains not only in health, energy and money but also in confidence, self-respect, freedom and, most important of all, in the length and quality of your future life.
You’re going to enjoy being a non-smoker right from the moment you put out your last cigarette.
Nicotine addiction is actually weak; it’s an extremely mild, slightly insecure feeling. To ensure success focus on the 99% mental aspects of addiction;
Understanding why you smoke is essential. Most smokers mistakenly believe that they do it because they enjoy it or because it gives them some kind of benefit or support. It’s the addiction that convinces them of this.
3. Have a final cigarette.
You’re going to give up smoking easily so make a solemn vow
Actually, there’s nothing to give up – you’re getting rid of something. Have your final cigarette and make a solemn vow that regardless of what highs or lows may befall you in future, you will never smoke or take nicotine in any form again.
This is one of the most important decisions you will ever make because the length and quality of your future life critically depend on it. What’s more, you know it’s the correct decision even as you make it. Having made what you know to be the correct decision never even begin to question or to doubt that decision.
4. Be cool about withdrawal symptoms.
The physical withdrawal is very slight and passes quickly
Your body will continue to withdraw from nicotine for a few days but that doesn’t mean you have to be miserable or crave cigarettes.
The physical withdrawal is very slight – there is no pain – and it passes quickly. What’s more, it’s what vapers and smokers suffer all their smoking lives. Non-smokers do not suffer it. You are a non-smoker and so you’ll soon be free of it forever.
The unpleasant symptoms people describe as “nicotine withdrawal” are nothing of the sort; the empty insecure feeling of nicotine withdrawal triggers a thought process. It’s the result of that thought process which leads to the unpleasant physical feelings.
If you associate smoking with a coffee, tea, drink or break, have your coffee, tea, drink or break and at that moment, instead of thinking: “I can’t smoke now”, simply think: “Isn’t it great: I can enjoy this moment without having to choke myself to death”.
5. Socialise as normal.
You won’t be craving a cigarette so there’s no need to avoid smokers
Do not try to avoid smoking situations or opt out of life. Go out and enjoy social occasions right from the start and do not envy smokers, pity them.
Realise that they will be envying you because every single one of them will be wishing they could be like you: free from the whole nightmare.
No smoker wants to see their children start smoking which means they wish they hadn’t started themselves.
Remember it’s not you who are being deprived but those poor smokers. They’re being deprived of their health, energy, money, peace of mind, confidence, courage, self-respect and freedom.
If you’re offered an cigarette, just say: “No thanks – I don’t smoke”, rather than start a long conversation about how long it has been since you stopped.
6. Think about smoking.
Don’t try to “not to think” about smoking – it doesn’t work
If I say: “Don’t think about a brick wall”, what are you thinking about?
Just make sure that whenever you are thinking about it, you’re not thinking: “I want a cigarette but I can’t have one” but instead: “Isn’t is marvellous: I don’t need to smoke anymore and I don’t want to smoke anymore. Yippee, I’m a non-smoker!”.
Then you can think about it all you like and you’ll still be happy.
7. There’s no such thing as “just one” cigarette after you quit smoking.
The next smoke is the continuation of a problem not the solution; Understand a cigarette simply momentarily relieves the discomfort caused by the previous one.
That’s how addiction works. The more you experience the effect the more convinced you believe the cigarette is solving the problem rather than causing it.
Never be fooled into thinking you can have the odd smoke just to be sociable or just to get over a difficult moment. If you do, you’ll find yourself back in the trap in no time at all.
Never think in terms of one smoke, always think of the whole filthy lifetime’s chain.
Remember: there is no such thing as just one smoke.
8. Avoid substitutes & vaping.
Nicotine Patches, gums, nasal sprays and e-cigs just keep the addiction alive
Do not use any nicotine substitutes. They all make it more difficult to stop because they perpetuate the illusion that you’re making a sacrifice.
Substitutes that contain nicotine or so-called Nicotine Replacement Therapy; patches, gums, nasal sprays, e-cigarettes and inhalators – are particularly unhelpful as they simply keep the addiction to nicotine alive just like tobacco smoking.
It’s like advising a heroin addict who’s smoking the drug off foil, to start injecting it instead.
9. Ditch your cigarettes.
You are already a non-smoker the moment you put out your final cigarette
Do not keep cigarettes on you or anywhere else in case of an emergency. If you do, it means you’re doubting your decision. Non-smokers do not need cigarettes.
You are already a non-smoker the moment you put out your final cigarette. In fact one of the many joys of being free is not having to worry about having cigarettes and a light on you, finding distractions & new ways to cope, of ending that slavery.
10. Enjoy your freedom.
Live a smoke-free life and be on your guard not to fall back into the trap
If your brain ever starts playing tricks on you by thinking “Just one smoke”, remember there is no such thing.
The question you need to ask yourself is not: “Shall I smoke now” but “Do I want to become a smoker again, all day, every day inhaling the smoke into my lungs, never being allowed to stop?”
The answer “No”. Why not?
“Because I didn’t like being a smoker – that’s why I decided to become free”.
That way those moments can become pleasurable as you congratulate yourself that you’re free and that way you can enjoy remaining a non-smoker for the rest of your life.
The best way to become truly free is with the right quit smoking method so read on to learn more.
What’s holding you back?
Not sure if you really want to quit smoking?
Want to stop, but concerned that you’ll find it tough?
Worried that you’ll be deprived for the rest of your life without cigarettes?
We know that taking the first step can be difficult, but we’re here to answer your questions in complete confidence – with no pressure and no judgement.
Start the free quizWhat are the most effective ways to quit smoking cigarettes?
Your success in quitting smoking, depends very much on the type of treatment and method you decide to use.
Although there are numerous techniques and treatments purporting to help you most of them result in less than one person out of ten actually succeeding, with varing side feects
The table below shows that the overall best method is Allen Carr’s Easyway.
Understanding nicotine addiction and preparing to quit
Use the above tips to prepare for success, understand that the cravings and symptoms of nicotine withdrawal which users can face, such as headaches, decreased heart rate and insomnia occur if they use the wrong method.
Many find a quit plan helps but all you really need is to choose a date to attend an Allen Carr’s Easyway seminar and continue to smoke upto and during the seminar. You will not believe this right now but it is easy and you are not giving anything up.
You already know the health risks of smoking, including lung cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease which is why the Allen Carr’s Easyway method will not discuss these. Instead it focuses on why you want to smoke despite all the obvious issues.
The NHS (National Health Service) in England and the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) in America offer various resources for those looking to quit smoking and additional information as well as the stop smoking resources at Allen Carr’s Easyway.
Strategies for avoiding relapse & cravings
If you are using Allen Carr’s Easyway to stop smoking you will not need any strategies to avoid relapse or cravings. The method changes how you think about smoking and so there is no need for such things.
However, if you are not using Allen Carr’s Easyway then you need to develop strategies and recognise triggers that may lead to a relapse, such as stress where smoking is common.
Tips for such strategies include to stay connected with support groups or helplines for encouragement. Keep a journal to track progress and reflect on reasons for quitting. Engage in regular exercise to boost mood and reduce cravings. Implement mindfulness and mental health techniques to stay present and manage urges effectively. Stay committed to your goal and remind yourself of the health benefits of quitting.
Don’t forget that with Allen Carr’s Easyway to stop smoking programme you will not need any strategies to avoid relapse or cravings.
Weight gain after quitting smoking
After quitting, many smokers worry about weight management. They fear gaining weight post-cessation, but with the right method there is no need for substitutions or the desire for them.
Many methods recommend a balanced diet and regular exercise to control any weight gain post smoking. Engaging in physical activity obviously helps burn calories, lose weight and helps manage appetite but these are activities that you will want to do anyway and need not be driven by stopping smoking.
Eating healthily including fruit and vegetables in your diet boosts metabolism. Again a healthier lifestyle is good but if you use the Allen Carr’s Easyway method you will not gain weight.
Are there any natural remedies or alternative methods that can help with quitting smoking?
There are various natural remedies and alternative therapies to stop smoking that can aid in quitting smoking, such as Allen Carr’s Easyway method. These methods can help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, providing a holistic approach to smoking cessation.
Your first days are said to be the hardest, however, with the Allen Carr’s Easyway method, it’s easier than you’d think and enjoyable.
The best method to stop smoking- Allen Carr’s Easyway
There are a number of ways of using Allen Carr’s Easyway method all of which will enable you to be free easily, painlessly. Described as ‘a real smoker’s way to quit smoking’, you carry on smoking until you’re ready to stub out your final cigarette.
We aim to change how you feel about your issue so that getting free becomes easy, enjoyable and you do not miss anything.