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Why I said goodbye to coffee & wine

It’s fabulous to read of Huffington Post Contributor, Voice Coach/Therapist, and Author Jennifer Hamady’s, experience of using Allen Carr’s Easyway method for alcohol and caffeine.

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Allen Carr’s favourite word was ‘serendipity’ and it’s interesting how Jennifer ended up reading the alcohol book after initially purchasing it as a jape.

Jennifer writes “I’d been signing copies of my latest book, and was walking out of Politics and Prose when a book caught my eye. A bright orange and blue cover with the words “The Easy Way for Women to Stop Drinking” screamed out from the rack, and I had to have it. My dearest friend and parenting partner in crime would get a kick out of it over our next bottle of Merlot.
She did think the book was funny. And so did I, inspiring me to flip through it one night as it sat on my kitchen island, destined for the donation shop.

It never made it there. I read the book cover to cover, and didn’t touch another drop of wine, or alcohol of any kind again. That was three months ago.”

Jennifer goes on to write how she applied the same principles contained in the alcohol book to her coffee consumption – finding it helped her quit that easily too. Of course, this was before we’d formally applied the method to the issue of caffeine addiction (in e-book and video-on-demand programme formats).

She explains perfectly the principles that make Allen Carr’s method so easy (and effective) to apply “Rather than encourage the use of logic, reason, and willpower he removes the desire to smoke, drink, and worry. Do that, remove desire from the desire ― determination equation, and the problem – any problem – collapses. And that’s what happened. I read the book and lost all interest in drinking wine, something I’d enjoyed for years.”

In her personal account of how (and why) she cut out alcohol and caffeine she writes frankly of the profound impact quitting had on her energy levels. Explaining that after having their first child her and her husband experienced the normal stresses, strains, and fatigue associated with the challenges of parenthood Jennifer writes how after reducing TV time, taking more exercise, eating more healthily, and eradicating use of tech at/around bedtime – there still seemed room for further improvements. Although all the above helped – nothing helped as much as quitting alcohol and caffeine.

You can find out more about our quit alcohol and quit caffeine programmes on the buttons below and visit the homepage on www.allencarr.com for information about stopping smokingquitting sugarcontrolling weightquitting gamblingfear of flying, and other programmes.

Read more about ‘How to Quit Caffeine’

Read more about ‘How to Stop Drinking’