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Quit Smoking & Vaping – Vancouver, BC

Overall client rating 4.8 | 9,424 reviews

Thanks for checking out our quit smoking Vancouver seminars. Choosing to quit smoking is one of the best decisions you can make to live a happier, healthier life.

You might be surprised to learn that your physical addiction to nicotine is only a small part of the problem; the main issue and the reasons you continue to smoke are psychological. This requires a solution that addresses the psychological aspect and that’s where Allen Carr’s Easyway comes in.

Allen Carr’s Easyway is different. No scare tactics or horrible images and none of the grim stuff; just a refreshingly different approach to quitting smoking that will change how you feel about it forever. Money back guaranteed.

Our stop smoking seminars address all types of nicotine consumption including cigarettes, vapes, gum, patches, snus etc.

Vancouver BC city skyline

Upcoming seminars

Vancouver is serviced by live online seminars for smoking and vaping which you can book from the list below.

If the dates don’t work or to request an in person seminar in your area for yourself, your friends, family or workplace, please register your interest and we’ll get back to you with options.

Register Interest ⇒

In person seminars for smoking and vaping are also available in New York, Los Angeles and Toronto. In person seminars for alcohol are available in Chicago.

So what happens at an Allen Carr seminar?

Prior to your seminar you’ll be asked to complete a short questionnaire so that we have an understanding of your smoking/quitting history. You can do this whilst having a tea/coffee/cigarette if you want to!

Don’t worry if you feel a bit nervous; most people do, but usually leave 6 hours later feeling calm, relaxed and confident. Your facilitator, a former smoker who quit smoking with Allen Carr’s Easyway method, will be there to support and reassure you.

During the seminar you’ll discover:

Why you’ve struggled to quit by using other methods.
Most methods focus on why you shouldn’t smoke but you already know this and it hasn’t helped you to stop. Instead, we’ll address why you continue to smoke despite the obvious disadvantages.

The true reason why you smoke.

If you ask ten smokers why they smoke you’ll get ten different answers: it relaxes me, it relieves stress, boredom, time out, habit, social, I enjoy it etc etc but can identical cigarettes out of the same pack really do all of these things?

The tools you need to change your perception of smoking and think like a non-smoker.

You started life as a non-smoker so that’s your normal. You’ve just forgotten what it’s like to enjoy life and live happily as a non-smoker.

How to remove your fear of life without cigarettes or vapes.

All smokers have a fear of quitting: how will I enjoy life, how will I cope, how will I handle stress, what about the awful withdrawals etc? Non-smokers don’t have this fear and neither will you by the end of the seminar.

How to confidently become and remain a happy non-smoker by changing your thinking.

You can quit smoking with a patch/pill/vape etc but you’ll probably never feel liberated or free. The only way to be a truly happy non-smoker is to have no desire to smoke and the best way to do that is to understand the nature of the trap you’re trying to escape from.

Other important stuff…

Smoke breaks

There’ll be smoke breaks during the day so you won’t have to smoke your final cigarette until you feel ready to do so, finishing with a light hypnotherapy exercise so that you leave feeling calm and relaxed, ready to start your new life as a happy non-smoker.

How to prepare

Keep on smoking until the day of your seminar. Don’t try to cut down or stop, just smoke/vape as normal and bring your cigarettes, vapes etc with you.

What to bring

Your cigarettes/vapes/nicotine products and an open mind.

So if you’re a smoker or vaper who’s tired of being controlled by nicotine and willing to take the next step towards changing your life for the better then our seminar program is for you.

You don’t even have to feel ready or even want to stop; you just need to come along with an open mind and a positive attitude.

So what are you waiting for, let’s quit smoking Vancouver!

Free Online Consultation

Not sure if you are ready?

Daunted by the prospect of what changing your habits will mean for you?

Want to stop, but concerned that you’ll find it tough?

We can help you to understand and remove those fears and in so doing, make quitting or losing weight easy.

Person booking a stop smoking, stop drinking, stop vaping or lose weight consultation on a phone