I read “Seven Donuts-worth of Sugar in Starbucks Coffee” & cried
Help is at hand for anyone suffering from sugar & carb addiction or caffeine addiction – with Allen Carr’s video-on-demand programmes.

I read “Seven Donuts-worth of Sugar in Starbucks Coffee” & cried
It’s ‘World Diabetes Day’ and there are stunning reports this week indicating that some Starbucks coffees contain as much sugar as seven chocolate donuts!Whereas government guidelines suggest that anyone over the age of 11 years old should not consume more than 30g of sugar a day – there are 69g in some of their festive coffee range.
Writing in The Sun, Daniel Jones, Consumer Editor, highlights the fact that the Gingerbread Frappuccino contains more than 16 teaspoons of sugar – the equivalent of nearly seven chocolate donuts from McDonalds.
No wonder there’s a diabetes epidemic sweeping across the globe!
John Dicey, Global CEO & Senior Therapist, Allen Carr’s Easyway comments “Our stop smoking clinics have been at the forefront of nicotine addiction for over 30 years, having cured an estimated 30 million people worldwide.We can see that sugar addiction is having the same kind of impact that nicotine has had over the years. We’ve done a great job with helping people break free of their addiction to nicotine and given the state of the diabetes epidemic, we have now developed our method to tackle sugar addiction.
We have seen some fantastic results over the past year, helping numerous clients break free of sugar addiction through our best-selling book and online programme, and in return, we’ve seen many actually reverse the development of diabetes – and some Type 2 diabetes sufferers actually being cured and no longer needing expensive medication for the rest of their lives.
Sugar and carb consumption is an addiction that begins at birth, but once you free yourself you’ll enjoy better health, higher levels of energy, dramatically improved body shape and a happier, healthier lifestyle.”
Why not try our video-on-demand sugar & caffeine programmes
It’s with great pleasure that we’ve applied Allen Carr’s Easyway method to the issues of caffeine addiction and sugar addiction.You don’t need to do both programmes
John explains “One of our clients got in touch when she read about the Starbucks coffee sugar content, apparently she’d been in tears. Having spoken to her it was clear that her issue was with sugar addiction rather than caffeine addiction so we directed her towards that programme. A vast majority of people would need the sugar course rather than the caffeine one, that’s really reserved for hardcore coffee drinkers”.Take our video-on-demand Sugar Addiction programme
Take our video-on-demand Caffeine Addiction Programme
Read about World Diabetes Day
Read The Sun’s ‘Starbucks Story’
Read the CBS News take on a similar story
#QuitSugar #QuitCaffeine #WDD #WDD2017
From the desk of John Dicey, Global CEO & Senior Therapist, Allen Carr’s Easyway