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What’s new in the world of Allen Carr’s Easyway and weight loss

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person smoking

2.7m a year killed in Europe by smoking, alcohol, UPFs...

Discover how tobacco, alcohol, ultra processed foods and fossil fuels contribute to nearly a quarter of all deaths in Europe. New report by WHO.

A third of UK kids guzzle caffeinated energy drinks every...

Keir Starmer plans to ban sugar and caffeine-laden drinks such as Prime, Monster, and Rockstar.

Release of Allen Carr’s ‘GOOD SUGAR, BAD SUGAR’ book. Eat...

Allen Carr’s ‘GOOD SUGAR, BAD SUGAR’ book now on sale. Eat yourself free of sugar & carb addiction. Quit sugar the easyway. #QuitSugar #AllenCarr
Katherine Scrowther case study

How quitting bad sugar has helped with my symptoms of...

Allen Carr’s Easyway to quit sugar helped me with my symptoms of Polycystic ovary syndrome by Katherine Scrowther

Good Sugar Bad Sugar

Extraordinary to see that £6,000 weight loss surgery is considered preferential to simply changing diabetes sufferers diets to treat sugar addiction!

To Russia, with Love

I remember a conversation I had with Allen Carr in 1999. We were discussing our hopes and dreams for extending the reach of his Easyway method to every corner of...

Allen Carr’s Easyway wins prestigious award

Allen Carr’s Easyway are delighted to announce that we have been awarded, “Best Wellbeing Service Provider” for our wellbeing at work. Read more below.

Mail on Sunday 29 Dec 2019 – Allen Carr quit...

Great article in the Mail on Sunday discussing the recent results of the randomised controlled trial that showed that Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking was almost twice as effective as the...

New research shows after 2 years 40% still not smoking

New independent research in Italy shows that after 2 years 40% still not smoking after attending Allen Carr's Easyway Seminars
Paul Baker & Stephen Hammond MP

Stephen Hammond MP talks about Allen Carr's Easyway

We were pleased to welcome Stephen Hammond MP to our Global Head Office.
lady reading a book

Arguments against VAT on books irrefutable

Letter published in the FT by Robin Hayley, Chairman of Allen Carr’s Easyway

I read "Seven Donuts-worth of Sugar in Starbucks Coffee" &...

Help is at hand for anyone suffering from sugar & carb addiction or caffeine addiction - with Allen Carr's video-on-demand programmes.