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Your Future

Life as a happy non-smoker is full of freedom and joy. Here are our tips and advice for the future.

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71 items

I absolutely hated being an addict to nicotine. My entire...

Prima Magazine report on the Allen Carr's Easyway Method

I’m finally a non-smoker and it’s not a drag – it feels fantastic! - Deputy Features Editor

Another happy non-smoker from…...Canada

Another happy non-smoker from…. Queensland, Australia

Another happy non-smoker from….The Maldives

Another happy non-smoker from.........West Sussex, UK (again!)

It’s wonderful to receive testimonials from our UK stop smoking centres.

Another happy non-smoker from…Finland

From time to time we have happy non-smokers who gained freedom by using Allen Carr’s Easyway volunteer to be Media Case Studies. Maiju is from Finland.

Another happy non-smoker from....... Aylesbury, UK

I walked in with a very cynical approach, convinced that nothing could stop me from smoking. I wanted to stop but I was certain it was unachievable, because of my...

Why does fear of quitting success cause me a problem?

Allen Carr has talked about fear of failure and fear of success — but what is fear of success and how does it cause a problem?

How do I quit smoking if my partner won’t quit...

Will it be harder to quit smoking if my partner smokes? I don’t want to be sucked back into smoking because I live with a smoker.

I quit smoking but I'm thinking of vaping - should...

If you want to respect and cherish that freedom then please never, ever vape - not even 0% nicotine vape. Firstly - 0% is NEVER guaranteed and nicotine is often...