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For over 20 years we have been helping people overcome their addiction to vaping and enjoy freedom from vaping. Explore our advice on multiple topics here

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I am a strong-willed person in all other areas of...

I’m under a lot of stress at the moment, should...

Many believe that smoking and vaping relieves stress and so in such situations it makes it difficult to quit but the reality is that it is actually a stress creator.

You’re ready to throw out the tobacco. What now?

You know what cigarette smoke does to your lungs, your smoker’s cough keeps you up at night and you don’t see a reason to keep on smoking. So why not...

How to stop smoking and improve your skin ASAP' -...

A great feature on a smoker's visit to an Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking Centre in My Beauty Matches.Working in beauty I realised it is making my teeth yellow,...

Stopping smoking - easier than you think - Interview with...

Russell Hogg interviews John Dicey, Global CEO & Senior Therapist, Allen Carr’s Easyway about the Easyway to stop smoking.

I quit smoking but I'm thinking of vaping - should...

If you want to respect and cherish that freedom then please never, ever vape - not even 0% nicotine vape. Firstly - 0% is NEVER guaranteed and nicotine is often...

Killer habits - The Sun

Article in The Sun and Irish Sun. The smoker stopped for 10 years with Allen Carr's Easyway

The one habit that will more than DOUBLE your life...

Yahoo Finance article informing that Allen Carr's Easyway is available for free on some insurance policies.
woman free from smoking in a field

How do I quit vaping naturally on my own?

It’s easy to quit vaping on your own – you just need to know how. Nicotine Addiction is 1% physical & 99% mental. Patches & e-cigarettes prolong addiction.

Children as young as 14 are becoming addicted to e-cigarettes...

Children as young as 14 are becoming addicted to e-Cigarettes, the head of Allen Carr’s Easyway Britain’s biggest addiction clinic has said.There has been a steep rise in the past year...

How to stop smoking – from Allen Carr’s Easyway to...

Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking Live Seminars, Online Video Programme, and books were mentioned in The Sun's coverage of the UK's National No Smoking Day

5 tips for quitting cigarettes by AIA Vitality based on...

Thinking about quitting smoking? It’s one of the best choices you can make. Read 5 tips to quitting from AIA Vitality and Allen Carr's Easyway