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For over 20 years we have been helping people overcome their addiction to vaping and enjoy freedom from vaping. Explore our advice on multiple topics here

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young person vaping

Influencers to help stop youth vaping

Influencers to help highlight health risks of vaping amidst soaring numbers & health concerns particularly amongst young people.
Packet of cigarettes

How to stop smoking – 10 tips to quit smoking

Discover our top 10 tips to stop smoking for good and understand the different methods for smoking cessation, how they work and the differences between them.

Does vaping to quit smoking work?

If you’re a smoker you might wonder does vaping help you quit smoking? or does vaping stop you smoking? Allen Carr’s Easyway supports anything that genuinely helps people escape the...

How to choose your stop smoking therapist/stop smoking counsellor…

Should I read Allen Carr’s Easyway book or attend a...

This is a question I am often asked and it appears to confuse many a person. It is not surprising.

Smoking to Stay Slim

Should I use e-cigarettes or try vaping in an attempt...

Whether you’re a cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoker, or a vaper (user of e-cigarettes), nicotine patch wearer – we can set you free. #StopSmoking #QuitVaping

Are pro-vaping messages making it harder to quit?

Has anyone stopped to consider the impact on e-cigarette addicts and smokers who want to quit?

What happens to your body when you quit smoking &...

So you've been smoking for a long time but is quitting worth it? Good news the human body is amazing and starts healing 20 minutes after you stop. Read more

Is vaping safer or worse than smoking cigarettes?

Discover whether vaping is a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. Read our comprehensive analysis on the risks involved and make an informed decision.
A vaper finding it hard to give up vaping

How hard is it to quit vaping? Why is quitting...

Discover the challenges of quitting vaping and why its not an easy feat. Understand the addiction and take a step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Tips on how to socialise without smoking

Discover practical ways to enjoy socializing without smoking. Our tips can help you have fun and connect with others while maintaining a healthier lifestyle.