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What happens during a seminar?

The seminar lasts around five hours, during which the therapist will help you to understand exactly what you do and why you do it. You may be surprised by much of what...
Long-term & short-term side effects of Ketamine

Long-term & short-term side effects of Ketamine

Ketamine was originally developed as an anaesthetic but read more to understand what it is and the risks.
How to manage & cope with your comedown

How to manage & cope with your comedown

Understand drug comedowns, their causes, and how to ease their effects.
Opioid pills and tables. Opioid addiction Signs symptoms of opioid abuse

Opioid addiction: Signs & symptoms of opioid abuse

Opioid addiction has become a global epidemic. This article explores the critical facts about opioid addiction and how to overcome it.